Legal notice


All text and pictures used are from Lifepharm Global Network product information.
Fountain of Youth is an authorized and registered distributor of Lifepharm Global Network.
Laminine is a registered trademark of Lifepharm, Lake Forest. California, USA

All shop links refer directly to Lifepharm®. All products purchased are sold directly from Lifepharm.

32 Rancho Circle
Lake Forest, CA 92630
United States of America

Information pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Andrea Schroeder
Fountain of Youth
Director, Lifepharm Global Network authorisierter Vertriebspartner

fountain of youth ist eine Lifepharm Global Network Distributoren-Seite
mit direkter Verlinkung zum Shop des Herstellers Lifepharm®:

Lifepharm Global Network (LPGN)
United States of America
32 Rancho Circle
Lake Forest, CA 92630
United States of America

Quellenangaben für die verwendeten Texte,
Bilder und Grafiken
Genter Str. 67 A
13353 Berlin


Phone: +49 30 45084126

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.